99+ Heart Touching I Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes

I Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes: Life is full of surprises, and anything can happen. We all make mistakes at some point in our lives, and occasionally those closest to us do as well. This is particularly true in love relationships (either romantic or platonic). Even while it might be aggravating, it is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life to forgive someone, because holding the grudge for so long can cause further damage.

To help you forgive someone, this is where the I forgive you for hurting me quotes come in handy so that you can get the inspiration of forgiving another person or even yourself for hurting you.

I Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes

❤️ Because that is what true love is all about, I will forgive you for hurting me. I want to teach our children the importance of saying sorry and how much we care for one another.

❤️ My heart was about to break. But, as time passed, I had to let go of the pain in my heart; I give you my heartfelt gratitude.

❤️ I’m not sure why you cheated on me. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand why you did what you did, but I forgive you.

❤️ I ‘m not sure why you cheated on me. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand why you did what you did, but I forgive you.

❤️ Your light streams through the shadows of my damaged heart, and it warms me with its love. I realize how blind I was and am grateful for your presence in my life. I will never abandon you.

❤️ There are numerous things that make me angry. I’d never deny it or take it back, but I have to let serenity wash over my wrath; I forgive totally and utterly from the bottom of my heart.

❤️ I forgive you for hurting me, but you will never be forgotten. I forgive you for stopping, but I’ll never forget what it was like to be loved by you. Whatever you do to me, my heart will always be yours. I understand.

❤️ You did me a lot of harm, but I forgive you. I know I’m not perfect, and we’re only here now because of God’s grace. Thank you for being so patient with me. I’m crazy about you!

❤️ I forgive you for exposing my flaws; perhaps they weren’t so flaws after all. Perhaps I wasn’t as powerful as I thought. I forgive you for the issues that emerged as a result of your living with me since it is always preferable to know what is wrong before attempting to live with it. I forgive you for everything, including all the tears I’ve shed and the nights without your affection.

❤️I accept your apology for shattering my heart. I forgive you for abusing my affection.

❤️ I forgive you for being so cruel, but I will never forget the pain you caused me in the past.

❤️ I forgive you for not being there for me when I really needed you. I forgive you for not being strong enough to confront your selfish side. I understand why you’ve never been able to express your sentiments. I forgive you for all of your lies, deception, and neglect. Because I’ve finally let go of the hurt and resentment that have held me captive for so long.

❤️ I forgive you for being so cruel, but I will never forget the pain you caused me in the past.

I forgive you for not being there for me when I really needed you. I forgive you for not being strong enough to confront your selfish side. I understand why you’ve never been able to express your sentiments. I forgive you for all of your lies, deception, and neglect. Because I’ve finally let go of the hurt and resentment that have held me captive for so long.

All I want to say is that I forgive you. It may seem like a million years since we last saw one other, yet it’s only been a few days. Between you and me, things were never quite perfect.

❤️ I accept your apology for causing me pain. I’ll never forget what happened, but I’ll keep it in mind.

❤️ I finally noticed it when I looked in the mirror today. The way you injured me so horribly, so sorrowfully, it was there showing itself to me. You stole a bit of my heart and kept it hidden from me. Knowing you’ve violated my trust and love for you is a tragedy no heart can bear, but knowing that YOU took a piece of my wounded heart and did nothing to fix it makes the tragedy much worse. But, despite everything, I find room in my heart to forgive you and forget everything that has ever gone wrong.

❤️ I forgive you for making me cry the way you did. I accept your apology for shattering my heart. I forgive you for the anguish you caused me, but more importantly, I forgive you for not comprehending how much these actions affected me.

❤️ Even though I forgave you a long time ago, hearing those words from your mouth still hurts. I forgive you as if it never occurred, as if the agony and tears never came; I forgive you as if all those memories were nothing more than fantasies and trash.

❤️ I forgive you for making me cry the way you did. I accept your apology for shattering my heart. I accept your apology for the suffering you caused me, however let things past.

❤️ Hello, you harmed me. Unintentionally, to be sure. But you did cause me pain. But you have my forgiveness. I truly forgive you because I understand that no one is perfect and that everyone makes errors, but at the end of the day, we are all human.so i still love you.

❤️ Because I know that’s not who you are, I forgive you for hurting me. Everyone makes errors. Second chances are a blessing from God.

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❤️ I forgive you for hurting me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t remember what you did.

❤️ I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I adore you. And believe me when I say that I will never forget you! So remember how much you mean to me when I meet you again in the future.

I Forgive You Messages

I Forgive You Messages

I forgive you for the times when you have harmed me or betrayed me. Now rise above your guilt, let go of your regrets, and let yourself be reborn with me at your side. Please accept my apology.

❤️ Please accept my apologies. I really like you. To me, you are everything, and I will always treasure our friendship. Please don’t let this tear us apart; we have too much to lose if we don’t fight for it. We’ve been through hell and back, but all that matters is that we’re still here, together.

❤️ I know it’s hard to imagine right now, but one day we’ll look back on this and laugh at how foolish we were. I adore you.

❤️I understand that you’ve made mistakes in the past. I’m missing you. Please accept my apologies. Let’s get together soon.

❤️ I’ve given our predicament a lot of thought, and I want to assure you that I forgive you. Our relationship is clearly no longer functioning, and we both need to move on. I wish you happiness and success in your future endeavors. Feel free to contact me if you ever need someone to chat to.

❤️ I adore you as one of my closest friends! As you well aware, I have previously forgiven you. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You mean a lot to me, and knowing that we’re back on track makes me happy

❤️ I understand why you did what you did, and I’m willing to forgive you. Once again, I trust you to make the best decision of your life. I forgive you and promise to be here when things calm down.

❤️ I truly desire to forgive you. But before I forgive you, I need to know how you plan to adjust your ways so that this never happens again.

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❤️ “I forgive you for hurting me, but the way you did it will stay with me forever.”

❤️ I accept your apology for causing me pain. I forgive you for disappointing me. I forgive you for hurting me, I forgive you for your errors and the suffering you have caused.

❤️ I accept your apology for causing me pain. I forgive you for the mistakes you made, the awful moments we had, and all the grief and anguish you caused me. I pray that forgiveness and love never leave you, and that you will always be content with your life. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. I am available to assist you in whatever way you require. Whatever happens, I will always adore you. You’ll always be my best friend.

❤️ I just say “forgive” because it’s more comfortable than “get over,” yet I’m still stuck in the same spot. I forgive you, but I still have the impression that you tore my heart out and stomped on it.

❤️ I don’t want to be alone in this world; we broke up and broke promises; we broke hearts and broke down; but pardon me. It was enough for me that we were together; I forgive you because you made me happy. I adore you.

❤️ “I’m not looking for an apology… Forget about it. It’s finished, right? It’s no longer relevant. You have no excuse to be upset over something that happened in the past. I accept your apology for causing me pain.”

❤️ I forgive you for all the tears I’ve shed and the pain we’ve both experienced. Because we learned to love each other despite everything.

❤️ These cruel statements have deeply affected me. It crushed my heart to consider how things would be without you. Many nights I cried, wishing you would just take those words back or realize that they would always cut, and the suffering isn’t worth it. I wish we could go back in time and appreciate how we were before we became the people we both despised. Our relationship meant the world to me, and I know it still does; I forgive you, even if you caused me sorrow.

❤️ I forgive you for hurting me; I despise you for it, but I am glad because it showed me that I am capable of surviving anything. It taught me how valuable life is and how valuable love is.

❤️ I accept your apology for causing me pain. I know it’s difficult, but it’s the only way we’ll ever progress. I forgive you so that we can grow and build a stronger relationship, learn from our mistakes, and move on from the hurt you’ve caused me so that we can be happy together.

❤️ I accept your apology for causing me pain. I will not be beaten down or dragged into your world of hatred and suffering. I’ve decided to forgive all you have done.

❤️ I forgive you, and I forgive you for every tear I’ve shed, but I’ll never forget.

❤️ I forgive you for betraying me, and I forgive you for anything else that was wrong. We all make errors, and we might get caught up in the moment and do things we later regret. Nobody is flawless, and expecting them to be is unrealistic. However, we can make every effort to improve and never do such things again. Instead of clinging on to the past and allowing it to pain us every minute of our lives, we may move on and start over.

❤️ I AM FORGIVEN! It’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, but it’s something I have to do. You will eventually understand my point of view and maybe learn your lesson. Despite how much you have injured me, I have chosen forgiveness above vengeance.

❤️ I forgive you because, even though I know you didn’t mean to, throwing the door in my face destroyed me. In my imagination, every angry phrase and scary glare is still so intense and vivid. It took me years to overcome my mind’s and heart’s persistent fear and anxiety.

❤️ I’ve been sad and anxious without you since you broke up with me, but you must understand that I forgive you.

❤️ I have no idea how many times I have told you that I forgive you, but I have forgiven you each and every time. Only if you wake up one day and realize you can’t forgive yourself for hurting me will I refuse to forgive you. I will be by your side through it all, whether it takes a lifetime or two, tears or grief.

❤️ I’ve never loved somebody as much as you have. And that’s saying something because I’ve always had an easy time loving people, but it was different with you. It wasn’t all about love. It was more profound, more powerful, and more gratifying than I could have imagined. I think about you first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If I could, I’d write to you all day, telling you how much you mean to me; I forgive you for everything you’ve done to hurt me.

❤️”I discovered that I am capable of forgiveness.” Everything I’ve learnt indicates that forgiveness frees the soul. Only those who have been badly injured can truly love, I realized. That is why I am gradually falling in love with you.”

❤️ The fact that no one can anticipate the future is my only solace. Nobody knows what’s going to happen. I’m not going to let anyone steal my excitement for what’s to come because life is too short to let fear ruin my peace. All I have is my peace. I’ll take control of what I can and leave the rest in God’s hands. Even if something awful happens, the wonderful promises of God’s words will comfort and mend my shattered heart. I forgive you for everything that you have done that broke my heart.

I Forgive You Messages For Him.

I Forgive You Messages For Him.

What matters to me in my life is who you are, not what you’ve done.

❤️ Please accept my apologies. I forgive you for not being there for me when I really needed you.

❤️ I forgive you for not being there for me when I really needed you. Knowing you’ve violated my trust and love is a tragedy no heart can bear. But, despite everything, I find room in my heart to forgive you and forget everything that has ever gone wrong.

❤️ Instead of lamenting what we lack, I want to focus on what we do have.

❤️ Instead of lamenting what we lack, I want to focus on what we do have. Please accept my apologies. I’ll never forget what occurred in the past, but I’m strong enough to look past it and forgive for the sake of what might happen in the future. Please accept my apology!

❤️ I forgive you for being so cruel, but it is something I will never forget. I’d rather start again than have a bad conclusion.

❤️ Please accept my apologies. Second chances are something I believe in. I believe in surrender. But above all, I believe in us… Please accept my apologies.

❤️ I forgive you for what you did to me, and I hope it never happens again.

❤️ I’m not going to let ours fall over petty things. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ I forgive you for not being strong enough to confront your selfish side.

❤️ I never realized how strong I was until I had to forgive you and act as if nothing had occurred.

❤️ I forgive you and your flaws because without them, our tale would be incomplete.

❤️ I forgive you for every tear I’ve shed, but I’ll never forget you.

❤️ I can either watch you go away or take your hand in mine and walk with you… I choose for the latter option. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ Who you are now is more important to me than who you were previously. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ I forgive you because, even though I know you didn’t mean to, throwing the door in my face destroyed me.

❤️ The weak deserve vengeance. The brave are the ones who forgive. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ I accept responsibility for every injustice you have committed against me. I forgive you in order for us to be free of the burden.

❤️️ My heart was about to break. However, as time passed, I had let things slip my mind I forgive you, and u are still my beloved.

❤️ There are fissures in every relationship. Fill the holes with forgiveness or tear it apart with anger. You have an option. I’ve decided to fill in the holes in our relationship, and I forgive you.

❤️ I forgive you for hurting me. I forgive you for all the agony you’ve caused me because it’s just another scar on my heart that tells me that I’ve made it this far.

❤️ I forgive you for hurting me; I despise you for it, but I am glad because it showed me that I am capable of surviving anything. I’m sorry you hurt me, but you have my forgiveness.

❤️ My heart was about to break. But, as time passed, I had to let go of my heartache; I forgive you.

❤️ Despite the fact that you have injured me, I still love you and forgive you because my heart is capable of doing so.

❤️ You did me a lot of harm, but I forgive you.

❤️ I know I’m not perfect, and we’re only here now because of God’s grace. I accept your apology for causing me pain.

❤️ I know it’s difficult, but it’s the only way we’ll ever progress. I accept your apology for causing me pain. But keep in mind that grief only strengthens love.

❤️ I’ve grown to adore you, and it wounded me tremendously when you said those words. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ My love, you have injured me, yet I forgive you. Please forgive yourself so that we can go on.

I Forgive You Quotes for Him: Forgiveness Quotes for Boyfriend

Forgiveness Quotes for Boyfriend

1) Why do I wish you were here to pick up my broken heart, even when you crush it into a million pieces? Please return to me, darling; I love you and forgive you.

2) What matters to me in my life is who you are, not what you’ve done. Please accept my apologies.

3) You didn’t simply tell me a falsehood… You betrayed my faith. You took it for granted that I opened my heart and soul. I’m not sure where to begin, but it aches from the inside out. Even though things will never be the same between us, I still want you to know that I am strong enough to look you in the eyes and forgive you for what you did. I’m not the type to seek vengeance. I’ll leave the dirty labor to karma.

4) You have hurt me in ways I could never have imagined. But I don’t want to spend the rest of my life hating someone I truly care about. Please accept my apologies.

5) Bitterness is a disease that slowly eats away at your spirit. The medication that will set you free is forgiveness. As difficult as it is, I want to move on and be free… Please accept my apologies.

6) I forgive you because I am strong enough to let go of the past, not because I am weak.

7) Who you are today is more important to me than who you were previously. Please accept my apologies.

8) I forgive you because I need to go on, not because I agree with what you did.

9) I can forgive, but I can’t forget.

10) You forgive individuals because you’d rather have them in your life even after they’ve done something bad than lose them forever. As a result, I’d like to forgive you and work things out.

11) Do not expect me to forgive you. Nothing is more vindictive than a crushed heart twice.

12) Forgiveness is sometimes a less burden to bear than the load of living without the person you love. That is why I am willing to let go of the past.

13) I’m not sure why I forgive you. But I know deep inside that I’m doing the proper job.

14) We don’t lose confidence in the gods above just because horrible things happen. I will not stop believing in love just because my heart has been broken. Please accept my apologies.

15) Rather than lamenting what we lack, I’d like to focus on what we do have. Please accept my apologies.

16) Forgiveness is like the glorious daybreak that comes after the darkest of nights. This is my morning.

17) It’s too bad you understood how much I care for you and how much I was willing to give for our relationship. Perhaps one day you will, and you will realize how selfish you have been all this time. Please accept my apologies.

18) You have the fortitude to own your error. I have enough compassion to forgive you.

19) I don’t agree with what you did, but I’m not willing to throw away what we have. Please accept my apologies.

20) I forgive you because I want to give us another chance, not because I’m gullible. I continue to miss you.

I Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes For Her

I forgive you for hurting me quotes

1. I may have been bad, but you always remind me of my mistakes and hurt me, but I forgive you. I adore you.

2. You’ve treated me like a beast, but I forgive you because I adore you.

3. Whenever I am hurt by you, you just serve to remind me of my own flaws and weaknesses. Even though you have injured me, I still love you.

4. As your lover, you have the right to my forgiveness. From the bottom of my heart, I forgive you. I still care about you.

5. Forgiving you is extremely difficult, but it is well worth it since I love you, so I forgive you.

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6. I can’t keep a grudge against you since I love you so much. I forgive you because I adore you.

7. My love for you has already forgiven you without any record of wrongdoing before you do it. You have harmed me, yet I still love you.

9. It takes courage to hurt me so severely every time, but it takes even more courage to accept my forgiveness. Aren’t you aware that I adore you? You have my forgiveness.

8. I accept responsibility for every wrong you do to me because if I didn’t love you, you wouldn’t have the opportunity to hurt me so horribly, but I forgive you because I still love you.

9. It takes courage to hurt me so severely every time, but it takes even more courage to accept my forgiveness. Aren’t you aware that I adore you? You have my forgiveness.

10. I feel betrayed because I trusted you, but I forgive you because I love you and can trust you again because of that love.

I Forgive You Because I Love You.

I Forgive You Because I Love You.

❤️ It’ll take more than a few tears to convince me to leave… I didn’t understand the true meaning of love until I met you, and I’m not about to let that go quickly. Please accept my apologies.

❤️ I only have one flaw: I can never stay furious with you for longer than five minutes. I forgive you; now wrap your arms around me and kiss me.

❤️ Whatever happens, I know deep down inside that you love me and I love you… and nothing else matters. Please accept my apologies

❤️ I forgive you for hurting me. I am confident that our love will never be broken. I will always love you unconditionally because you are my one and only real love!

❤️ You injured me by not loving me as much as you should, but I forgive you because I still love you.

❤️ My forgiveness is your right as your lover. From the bottom of my heart, I forgive you.

❤️ Even though you caused me anguish, you still mean a lot to me, and I forgive you.

❤️ It’s sometimes easier to bear the load of forgiving than it is to bear the burden of live without the person you love. That is why I am ready to leave the past behind. My love for you smashes all the flaws in the world.

❤️ Betrayal by a loved one is unpleasant, but betrayal by oneself is far more agonizing. I betray myself if I don’t forgive you.

❤️ I forgive you because I still adore you. You must let go in order to be free. You must forgive to love.

❤️ Even though you have injured me, I still love you. I forgive you because I trust you not to hurt me again.

❤️ Even if you have injured me, I still love you and forgive you so that I can be okay, happy, and pleased.

❤️ I want to trust you again, so I start by forgiving you because if I don’t, I won’t even trust you again. I love and care for you so much. I cannot change that fact because you betrayed me.

I Forgive You Quotes

❤️ Forgiving people and reaching that point is a challenging journey, but once achieved, it holds immense power as it liberates you. Tyler Perry

❤️ Anger diminishes you, but forgiveness compels you to grow beyond your former self. — Cherie Carter-Scott

❤️ Forgiving an enemy can be simpler than forgiving a friend. — William Blake

❤️ The capacity to forgive is essential. One who cannot forgive lacks the ability to love. — Martin Luther King, Jr., A Gift of Love

❤️ Forgiveness isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it seems more painful than the initial injury, yet there is no peace without it. — Marianne Williamson

❤️ Forgiveness is not solely for others; it’s an act for oneself. It declares, “You’re not significant enough to hold power over me,” and asserts, “I deserve a future, not a past.” — Jodi Picoult, The Storyteller

❤️ Always forgive your enemies; nothing irritates them more. — Oscar Wilde

❤️ In any relationship, forgiveness is the best expression of love. It takes strength to apologize and even greater strength to forgive. — Yolanda Hadid

❤️ Forgiveness is a personal choice, a heart’s decision to go against the instinct to repay evil with evil. — Pope John Paul II

❤️ Never forget the three potent resources available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

❤️ Forgiveness has a transformative effect, warming the heart and soothing the sting. — William A. Ward

❤️ Be the one who nurtures and builds, who possesses understanding and a forgiving heart. Leave people in a better state than when you found them. — Marvin J. Ashton

❤️ The foolish neither forgive nor forget; the innocent forgives and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. — Thomas Szasz

❤️ While we may struggle with forgiveness, expressing willingness to forgive initiates the healing process. — Louise Hay

❤️ True forgiveness is, above all, a personal choice, defying the natural instinct to retaliate with evil. Pope John Paul II

More Forgiveness Quotes

❤️ Genuine forgiveness is when you can express gratitude for the experience. — Oprah Winfrey

❤️ Forgiveness signals that the person who wronged you holds greater importance than the wrong itself. — Ben Greenhalgh

❤️ Forgiveness declares that you are given another chance to start anew. — Desmond Tutu

❤️ The most challenging aspect of life is forgiveness. Hate is self-destructive; forgiving is healing. — Louis Zamperini, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In

❤️ Acknowledge the pain of your past, forgive, move forward, and appreciate it as a learning experience to become a better person and father. — Martin Henderson, Fatherhood: A Message to Men

❤️ Forgiveness reflects self-love enough to move on from the past. — Dr. Steve Maraboli

❤️ Everyone touts forgiveness as a lovely idea until they have a reason to forgive. — C.S. Lewis

❤️ The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a trait of the strong. — Mahatma Gandhi

❤️ Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness; it demands courage to confront and overcome powerful emotions. — Desmond Tutu

❤️ To forgive is to release a prisoner and realize that the prisoner was you. — Lewis B. Smedes, Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve

❤️ Forgive and forget. Bear others’ faults as you would want them to bear yours. — Phillip Brooks

❤️ Forgiveness is a personal journey; it’s an internal act that frees you from the past, allowing you to live life fully. — Barbara J. Hunt, Forgiveness Made Easy

❤️ 28. All major religious traditions convey a common message: love, compassion, and forgiveness should be integral to our daily lives. — Dalai Lama XIV

❤️ Recognizing my own mistakes, I understand others make them too. When I extend forgiveness, the primary beneficiary is me, not the other person. — Ellen Miller, The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends

❤️ True forgiveness is not a reaction after the fact; it’s an attitude carried into each moment. — David Ridge

❤️ Real forgiveness is a lifelong commitment that requires daily practice. — Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Joy

❤️ One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is forgiveness. Forgive everyone. — Maya Angelou

❤️ The human soul appears strongest when it forgoes revenge. — Edward Hubbell Chapin

These I forgive you for hurting me quotes will go a long way toward assisting you in healing from your past pain. You’ll be able to let go of the negative baggage once you’ve sent these quotes. You are now open to receiving the wonderful energy, love, wealth, and success that the universe has in store for you.

Please don’t forget to share this post with your friends if you find it helpful.

Also we have in store this video for you created by Marie Forleo where she shares two heart-centered steps to forgive someone who hurt you without denying or forgetting about what they did.

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